
PMAT delivers innovative solutions, combining cutting-edge technology with forward-thinking strategies. We leverage and develop advancements in technology to create tailored solutions that solve complex challenges. By continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, we provide our clients with transformative tools that enhance performance and drive mission success.

Maximize your mission

Innovation at PMAT comes in three key forms: developing new technologies, applying existing technologies in innovative ways, and bringing solutions to new customers. By leveraging our expertise across industries we bring tailored solutions to diverse challenges, ensuring our innovations drive success across every mission.

Creating New Technologies

Our teams of scientists, systems engineers, and software developers work closely with our customers, listening to their mission needs to develop innovative and tailored solutions. For instance, we’ve created cutting-edge AI algorithms for “Pattern of Life” analysis, enabling more precise tracking and analysis of target data. These advanced tools empower our customers to analyze both historical and real-time data.

Applying Existing Technologies

We drive innovation by creating new capabilities using existing technologies. For example, our team has developed digital twins of legacy systems, enabling our customers to model and simulate operations without occupying limited-access physical assets. By leveraging proven technologies we unlock new possibilities and enhance operational efficiency.

Bringing Our Technologies to New Clients

We continuously seek opportunities to learn from and collaborate with all our clients. We often discover solutions in one program that can be applied to benefit others, even across different fields and organizations. For example, our expertise in secure communications and data transfer provided critical capabilities for an autonomous vehicle customer that resulted in the enablement of rapid deployment of autonomous mission operations.

SAVA Collection Management Software

We have designed and delivered an advanced theater collections management software suite called SAVA (Situation Awareness, Visual and Analytics) platform for one of the US Navy’s major Fleets. This effort prototype transitioned to become a cornerstone element of a Navy program of record for Intelligence and C2 resource management.


We have prototyped and delivered a C2ISR software data distribution node, capable of operating on a mobile laptop, that combines non-traditional national data, as well as military tactical and commercial data sources into a common, highly tailored user display. This prototype software has been actively demonstrated and used in several Navy Strike Group operational deployments and is in the process of being adopted by the military Joint Commands for C2 data management.

Scalable Targeting Software

Our software and Military Operations research team has developed a small  form factor C2 and targeting tool that has been tested in military fighter aircraft in a combat environment and is suitable for usage in a tank, Humvee or unmanned platform. The goal of this highly portable software tool is to provide autonomous surveillance and tracking of the local tactical environment and independently prioritize the most significant threats in the immediate vicinity of friendly forces.

Secure Systems Simulation Labs

We maintain both a full scale combat systems simulation lab as well as a scalable virtualized data science playground. Our combat systems simulation lab allows for researching various military challenges in order to safely design and test advanced software solutions whose purpose is to allow for our fielded forces to combine legacy sustainment with advanced cutting-edge capabilities. The purpose for our data science playground is to provide an area that allows a collaborative and scalable workspace, enabling team members to test various tools and technologies in a safe environment.


Advanced Technologies

Rich D.

“Our team is always looking and learning from new customers. We have a deep and proven set of SMEs and often find solutions in one program that can benefit another seemingly unrelated program.”

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